The Lily in the Field

Out here in the desert, a light breeze blows as I walk through the field. In this calm evening, Your presence is known. You are here with me, Lord. Looking around, I see the vast beauty of Your creation. The flowers in the field are blooming and radiant. They all grow together in perfect harmony.… Continue reading The Lily in the Field

Lost in the Wilderness

Lost in the wilderness. No one around. Just you, and your shining hand. You saved me, you rescued me from the desolate land. No sense of direction, no idea where to go. I wander, I cry. You lead me to and fro. Lost in the wilderness, you’re all that I have. All else was left… Continue reading Lost in the Wilderness

The Goodness of God

This subject will only be fully understood once we are with Him in eternity. “As he was setting out on a journey, a man ran up, knelt down before him, and asked him, “Good teacher, what must I do to inherit eternal life?” “Why do you call me good?” Jesus asked him. “No one is… Continue reading The Goodness of God

The Anguish of Pain—The Comfort of Scripture

Pain is a concept every person is well acquainted with, whether a believer in Christ or not; from the staunchest atheist to the humblest evangelist. We all suffer pain in various forms and to mixed degrees: Physical, Mental, Emotional, and Spiritual. One can ask: Why do we suffer, and why do we watch each other… Continue reading The Anguish of Pain—The Comfort of Scripture

The Mystery of the Trinity: 3 in Person, 1 in Essence

Preface: This came by special request and required considerable study. This topic is crucial to Christian doctrine as a whole. In 2015, Dr. R.C. Sproul stated that, if he had to guess, one of the biggest issues the church will face in the next 25–50 years would be the issue of the deity of Christ.… Continue reading The Mystery of the Trinity: 3 in Person, 1 in Essence

Galatians: The Liberty of a Believer in Christ

Photo by Frank Cone on

A common desire for countless individuals across this planet is freedom — liberty. So much so that wars have been waged over this and nations have had revolutions in order to secure this desire. The United States of America was founded to pursue and establish this freedom for all people who reside within. As many… Continue reading Galatians: The Liberty of a Believer in Christ